Our Pastors

Pastor’s Chris & Briana Zehner

Lead Pastors

Pastor Chris & Briana are graduates of the River University in Tampa, Florida. They earned a bachelor’s degree in Theology & Ministry. Both of them launched into the full time ministry in 2019 right after bible school graduation. They have a passion to see souls come into the kingdom of God and see people have an encounter with Jesus.

Pastor’s Bruce & Charlene Craig

Executive Pastors

Pastor Bruce & Charlene have been in the full time ministry for over 40 years. They have served faithfully as Lead Pastor in many churches across the USA with the Assemblies of God. They are now serving as Executive Pastors at the River Church KC to help establish thriving ministries & departments within the church.

Pastor Bruce is a graduate of Central Bible College in Springfield, MO. It was there that he earned a bachelor’s degree in Theology & Ministry.